Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thursday's Homework

Math- None tonight.  We are currently working on Solving Measurement Word Problems with Whole            Number and Decimal Multiplication.

Language Arts- • Remember to read for a minimum of 30 minutes in your silent reading book.
                             Write complete sentence responses to one of the prompts for Thursday's entry on
                              your Reading Log.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wednesday's Homework

Math- None tonight.  We are currently working on Solving Measurement Word Problems with Whole            Number and Decimal Multiplication.

Language Arts- • Remember to read for a minimum of 30 minutes in your silent reading book.
                             Write complete sentence responses to one of the prompts for Wednesday's entry on
                              your Reading Log.
                            Note: Each signed Reading Log entry will earn you one Cookie Walk 'mitten' 
                                      (ticket) for the Dec. 18th Cookie Walk. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tuesday's Homework

Math- Solving Measurement Word Problems with Whole Number and Decimal Multiplication-
           Lesson 13 handout.

Language Arts- • Remember to read for a minimum of 30 minutes in your silent reading book.
                             Write complete sentence responses to one of the prompts for Tuesday's entry on
                              your Reading Log.
                            Note: Each signed Reading Log entry will earn you one Cookie Walk 'mitten' 
                                      (ticket) for the Dec. 18th Cookie Walk. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Monday's Homework

Math- Multiplying Decimals by Whole Numbers, Using Estimation and Place Value- Lesson 12

Language Arts- • Remember to read for a minimum of 30 minutes in your silent reading book.
                             Write complete sentence responses to one of the prompts for Monday's entry on
                              your Reading Log.
                            Note: Each signed Reading Log entry will earn you one Cookie Walk 'mitten' 
                                      (ticket) for the Dec. 18th Cookie Walk. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thursday's Homework

Math- None tonight.  Our next area of study will be Multi-digit multiplication of decimals.

Language Arts- • Remember to read for a minimum of 30 minutes in your silent reading book.
                             Write complete sentence responses to one of the prompts for Thursday's entry on
                              your Reading Log.
                            Note: Each signed Reading Log entry will earn you one Cookie Walk 'mitten' 
                                      (ticket) for the Dec. 18th Cookie Walk. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wednesday's Homework

Math- Multi-digit multiplication using the distributive property of multiplication over addition, and
           over subtraction- handout

Language Arts-  •  Write sentences using words in the vocabulary list from Blood on the River,. This
                               will be due on Thursday morning.
                           •  Practice spelling both the 'high frequency words' and the vocabulary for
                              Thursday's test.  Click on the link under important pages on the right side of the
                           • Remember to read for a minimum of 30 minutes in your silent reading book.
                              Write complete sentence responses to one of the prompts for Wednesday's entry on
                              your Reading Log.
                            Note: Each signed Reading Log entry will earn you one Cookie Walk 'mitten' 
                                      (ticket) for the Dec. 18th Cookie Walk. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday's Homework

Math- None tonight.  We are working on Multiple-step Problem Solving.

Language Arts-  •  Write sentences for the vocabulary list from Blood on the River, ch. 25-27
                               (due Thursday).
                           •  Practice spelling both the 'high frequency words' and the vocabulary for
                              Thursday's test.  Click on the link under important pages on the right side of the
                           • Remember to read for a minimum of 30 minutes in your silent reading book.
                              Write complete sentence responses to one of the prompts for Tuesday's entry on
                              your Reading Log.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday's Homework

Math- None tonight.  We are beginning a unit on Problem Solving.

Language Arts-  •  Write definitions for the vocabulary list from Blood on the River, ch. 25-27.
                           •  Practice spelling both the 'high frequency words' and the vocabulary for
                              Thursday's test.  Click on the link under important pages on the right side of the
                           • Remember to read for a minimum of 30 minutes in your silent reading book.
                             Write complete sentence responses to one of the prompts for Monday's
                             entry on your Reading Log.
                            Note: Each signed Reading Log entry will earn you one Cookie Walk 'mitten' 
                                      (ticket) for the Dec. 18th Cookie Walk. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Wednesday's Homework

Math- Multi-digit multiplication using area models and the distributive property to write partial
           products- handout 2.B.65

Language Arts-  •  Write sentences using words in the vocabulary list from Blood on the River,. This
                               will be due on Thursday morning.
                           •  Practice spelling both the 'high frequency words' and the vocabulary for
                              Thursday's test.  Click on the link under important pages on the right side of the
                           • Remember to read for a minimum of 30 minutes in your silent reading book.
                              Write complete sentence responses to one of the prompts for Tuesday's entry on
                              your Reading Log.
                            Note: Each signed Reading Log entry will earn you one Cookie Walk 'mitten' 
                                      (ticket) for the Dec. 18th Cookie Walk. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday's Homework

Math- None tonight.  We are currently studying multi-digit multiplication using area models and the
           distributive property to write partial products.

Language Arts-  •  Write sentences using words in the vocabulary list from Blood on the River,. This
                               will be due on Thursday morning.
                           •  Practice spelling both the 'high frequency words' and the vocabulary for
                              Thursday's test.  Click on the link under important pages on the right side of the
                           • Remember to read for a minimum of 30 minutes in your silent reading book.
                              Write complete sentence responses to one of the prompts for Tuesday's entry on
                              your Reading Log.
                            Note: Each signed Reading Log entry will earn you one Cookie Walk 'mitten' 
                                      (ticket) for the Dec. 18th Cookie Walk. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Monday's Homework

Math- Multiplying Using an Area Model and Partial Products- Finish the handout 2.B.50-51, which
           was assigned as seatwork this morning.

Language Arts-  •  Write definitions for the vocabulary list from Blood on the River, ch. 23-24
                           •  Practice spelling both the 'high frequency words' and the vocabulary for
                              Thursday's test.  Click on the link under important pages on the right side of the
                           • Remember to read for a minimum of 30 minutes in your silent reading book.
                             Write complete sentence responses to one of the prompts for Monday's
                             entry on your Reading Log.
                            Note: Each signed Reading Log entry will earn you one Cookie Walk 'mitten' 
                                      (ticket) for the Dec. 18th Cookie Walk.